by Michael | 21 Sep, 2013 | Abandoned, Building, Historic
by Michael | 7 Jul, 2013 | Abandoned, Building, Historic
by Michael | 28 Jul, 2011 | Abandoned, Building, Historic, National Park, People
Westerman’s was built in 1916, and is one of three old dwellings on The Settlers Track, Namadgi National Park, ACT, Australia. I imagine it would have been a fairly solitary existence in the high country for these graziers, but what a place to live. Here are...
by Michael | 29 Apr, 2011 | Abandoned, Building, Historic, Sydney
The Rozelle Tram Depot in Glebe opened in 1904 and closed in 1958. Interestingly, the Sydney tram network was amongst the largest and most sophisticated in the world, so it’s very sad to see what it has now become. This place is just fabulous for photography. Getting...